Tuesday 19 August 2008

Jennifer Lopez Ditches Baby-Weight For Triathlon

...more Jennifer Lopez �

Jennifer Lopez is taking losing the baby weight seriously.

The star was "laid out like a beached whale" when she stumbled across a televised triathlon - and distinct that would be a great achievement for a mother of twins.

She tells U.S. fitness magazine Self, "I intellection, 'What commode I do to make my babies proud?' I think about what they'll think about the year they were born: who I was and what I did.

"It's important to me to set examples for them. I want to lead with my life. I want to state, 'You should do this because I've done it, and I know it makes you a wagerer person and it makes you find great and sleep better and be happier.'"

Lopez insists her triathlon goal has really helped her develop back into shape after giving birth to babies Emme and Max in February - with the help of longtime flight simulator Gunnar Peterson.

She adds, "Working out and getting back into shape isn't exciting to me but grooming for a triathlon is. There's a goal at the end of it, something to reach for."

Lopez plans to compete in her first-class honours degree triathlon - a battle of Marathon of running, swimming and cycling - later this year.